Gym. Grindr. Fuck and get fucked. Repeat.


Friend : “Why do you keep push all your packed time and  still go to gym ? You have been settling down with your bf right ?”

Me : ……………..

Friend : “In my case, it’s very clear. I want to have a good body so that I can have fun with many guys. That is mandatory thing in Jakarta’s gay life right ? You won’t dare to say that you were still virgin in your 20, eh ?”

Me : …………….


We are used to this kind of cycle recently. Well at least many of us are. Nothing is wrong with that. In fact that was my cycle of life too! But things become different when you are dreaming to settle down with someone you call as Future husband, Future Partner, Future Other-Half, or whatever word you want to call, while what you do in your daily basis is going to the opposite direction.

That is why, we often meet someone on his 40’s, with 0% body fat, good looking, financially settled, gets luxurious German cars and prestigious apartment, but is still single. I doubt it because he is too picky to find his partner or something. There will be only 2 reasons. First, settling down is not in his list. Or Second, he doesn’t know what to find in a guy. Not because of he already has everything, No. It is because in his younger life, he is too busy to be pleased by many guys. So why do He have to settle down with only one guy if he is able to have fun with three or even dozen of them ?


In my opinion, It’s ok to get laid. It’s ok to have fun. But what kind of fun and what kind of laid are the issues.

One time in a week, and with another guy the week after, that is ok. Eventhough I will suggest you to have 2 to 3 fuck buddies instead, so you don’t have to get to know every other guy every time you want sex.

Two times in a week, with different guys, thatttt is still tolerable. I know you guys are freaking hot so you need to manage your schedule, this Thursday with that Korean, Next Sunday with that PT Coach, ah not to mention that Banjarmasin guy visitor that stay in hotel next to your apartment. Yeahh yeahh yeahh. Pretttt.

But Three times in a week, and of them is threesome, or even high fun, even I know a guy that even slept with 3 different guys in a single day! thattt I think is already too much.

No harsh. But I seriously think that if you keep doing this in life, too much enjoying this-single-hanky-punky-sleep-with-everyone-even-with-3-different-guys-in-a-day-not-to-mention-all-the-threesome-sensation-also-the-gangbang-party, and you still seriously think and dreammm about settling down with someone in your future? C’mon guys, that will only happen in your another life. Not in this life. Really. Let me tell you why.

I don’t think you can be THAT happy, as happy as you imagine, when you settle down with someone. Why? Because you always enjoy being pleased by those different guys. You always get plenty of messages while you turn on your grindr. You always get bunch of likes when you post your pic on Instagram. You always taste that different cocks, different asses, lick different nipples, and now you have to leave all those things behind and settle down with only ONE cock, ONE ass, and ONE pair of nipples. Are you sure you can handle it ?

So really. If you dreammm to settle down with someone, I think having too much fun will not be the right direction. Once to twice in a week for sex is ok. Try to limit it if you can. If you can’t? TRY HARDER ! Unless settling down is not in your list, then you are much welcome to do whatever you want. Or be ready to keep being single for the rest of your life. Prett.



Keris, team settling down. Which team are you ?

Try hard.


I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am. –Ricky Martin.

Ndr, new friend, inspired me to write this post.



I don’t know if you guys know that I ever had a relation with a girl. Not just like a “cinta-monyet” that most of you might had, but this one was a super intention-relation, with sex and parents involving.

In my young age, while I still studied in school, I pretended that I was straight. I mean I tried hard to be and to look like one. I would feel not only offended, but really ashamed if teachers or friends started calling me faggot or sissy because of the way I walk, or act, or talk, or anything. I would start blaming myself, like why I couldn’t control it, why they could see that there was something wrong with my walk, my way of laughing, so on and so forth.

Who like to be called faggot anyway ?

Like when I was in junior high, I ever threw a glass full of water to one of my friend because he made fun of me and called me faggot. I cred and yelled to him. The whole class looked at us curiously. I left the class and went home instantly.


The opposite with what I did back home. My mom had this young driver who always drove and picked us up from school. And I had an affair with him. Yea. Affair. With my own driver.

It started a month after he worked for my family, didn’t know how, he caught my dick get an erection while watching tv. And long story short, one night I was on my way to go to bathroom for pee, and he was still in living room watching tv or something. And he was surprised seeing me. And he was afraid that I would tell my Dad that he used our TV in the living room instead of his in his room. So he followed me and pulled my hand and somehow my hand touched his hard erected dick incidentally. And I was shocked and looked at his eye and asked him what he was doing. Then he just pulled me out and showed his hard-erected-dick and started to masturbate. Of course my dick also erected sawing that super-good-size-hard-erected-dick was masturbated. And that thing happen. He masturbated me till’ I cum.

Starting from that night, most of my nights were spent with him. I mean I always sneaked out from my room to his room at night. Yeah. It is exactly like what you can imagine. I would sometimes even forced him to give me a blowjob until I cum. While I only watched him masturbating himself without any “helps”. He was the one who started. I mean he made me do this to him. It happened like almost 3 years until he left our family for some reasons. And of course, I’m not proud with what I did.


The funny thing is, eventhough in home I did this so gay-thinggies with my own driver, but in school I still, still tried very hard to act like I was a normal straight guy, and of course it failed many times. Even until when I was in senior high. I also did that “cinta-monyet” thingies, with 2-3 girls. Dated and kissed them.


In colleague, my sex life adventure was even worst. Not only dating and kissing, I even had sex with my girlfriend that time.

It was my first sex after 3 years journey with my driver, if you called that as such.

It was also my first penetration experience. Yeah to those vagina instead of ass, dude. Told you, I’m a bitch.

And even worse, WE DID IT IN CAR ! In her car to be exact. Nasty. prettt.



Not only once, we did it as often as you can even imagine. Let me surprise you. We did it at least 3 times in a week !!

At my home.

At her home.

At my car.

At her car.

At my kitchen.

At her car garage.

At toilet mall.

At airplane toilet.

Everywhere basically.

And yeah, we were together for almost 2 years, can you imagine ? I coulnd’t even count how many times my beloved penis when inside those nasty vagina. Told you I’m a bitch. And yeah, again, I am proud with what I did.


One of the words that I said to my mom when I came out was, I was done trying and pushing hard to be someone that the world expected a man should be. What my religion and even my parents and the whole family expected me to be. I was done.


I was done trying hard to control how I should act, talk, and even walk in front of my school friends.

I was done trying and pushing hard to erect and seem that I enjoy while made out with a girl.

Most important thing was, I was done trying hard to pretend that I was straight.

I was done.


Many of us have been struggling to find and know what we really want and need in this life. Many of us still even barely understand that we shouldn’t try that hard, to be the man that the world and those religions expects a man should be. Expect us to be.



I know I am just a f*cking lucky bitch among others. I’m lucky that my parents, at least willing to compromise with my condition. And I know, clearly know, that not all my friends out there have the same privilege like I do.

But again, I don’t think that you have to try that hard.

I don’t think that you should give up all your dreams to be the man that they expect you to be.

I don’t think that you should bend that hard, compromise all the things, to marry a girl by the end, for the sake of .. what? Making your family proud while you are lying to yourself, lying to your wife, lying to her whole family, lying to the world even, and lying to your God at the end ?

Cmon. Really. I don’t think you should do that dear.

I honestly don’t think that getting married is the only way to make your family and the whole world proud of you.

There should be many other ways.

There should be.


You don’t have to try so hard.

You don’t have to bend until you break.

You just have to get up get up get up.

You don’t have to change a single thing.

You don’t have to try try try try.

You don’t have to try try try try.

You don’t have to try.

You don’t have to try.



Keris, Cmon man. There should be the other way.



…In front of family and friends, today I join my life to yours, not only as your partner, but as your friend, your lover and your confidant. Let me be the shoulder that you lean on, the rock upon which you rest, the companion of your life. With you I will walk my path from this day forward…



Ah I dream and dream about saying this vow to my someone. Surrounding by friends and family, in the fine afternoon under the clear blue sky, with green grass view in the foothills, or beach front view will be much better, it will be definitely a simple party where everyone can mingle and enjoy the fine Italian food and a good wine…


I already can feel the heartbeat now..



I don’t know for how many times my bf already asked this kind of question to me. “When will you marry me, be ?” Which I will normally give a flat smile as an answer. NO, it is not because I don’t want to marry him, NO. But I just don’t know if I really ready to be married. I mean I wonder whether our whole family will be ready to accept our condition or not.. sigh


But really, while we are all struggling to answer “Will you marry your bf in the future?”  or even some of us are still stuck in question like “Are you out to your family and friends ?”, I personally knew someone who is OUT, even married to his bf for likes 15 years, and they decided to END their marriage. Yes, they decided to get DIVORCED. And for your info, he is ASIAN. I don’t mean to be racist or something, but for Asians like us, gay marriage is already really something, and now you are getting a divorced ? From your gay marriage?


For me, yes it was already a big decision to be OUT to my family about my status. Even it will be a bigger decision when I decide to marry my bf. I just need another time before deciding to marry him! But they are not just out and married, dude, they are getting a divorce !

He texted me in grindr while he happened to visit Jakarta for his works. I didn’t know why, but the conversation just flew. Long story short, he is Malaysian and grew up in Hongkong. In his late 20’s he moved to Austria (if I’m not wrong) because of his works then met his ex-husband. His ex-husband was Austrian and veryyyyyyyy good looking like the winner of man universe. Pretttt. After dating for sometime, he married his bf and stayed in that country for like 15 years. Then the conflict came when he demanded to go back to HK for good while his husband didn’t want to. Since both he and his husband insisted on their plan, he decided to end his marriage and moved back to HK.

Now he is in HK and his ex-husband seems like really want to do something with their relationship. His ex-husband now also moves to HK and is trying to find a settle job there. Yes, they still meet each other sometime, but he just wants to keep the relationship that way, as a ex-husband.

Well… What a complicated story. But is that really complicated ?

Maybe the conflict was not only when he decided to move back to HK. Maybe the relationship itself was already not harmonious during the time. But whatever it is, I’m AMAZED. TOTALLY AMAZED.

I don’t know if gay couple also can do the divorce !!! I mean LOL. I know lah. But I really can’t imagine it. Maybe because of the marriage itself is not so common here, and now you are talking about divorce ? Ha !

I don’t know that love will fade even after your 15 years married phase !!! This is 15 years sis, YEARS. NOT MONTHS. Sigh.

And I don’t know who else can replace that winner of man universe type of guy in his life !!! I bet he will stay a widower until rest of his life. Slap me.



But that’s love dude. Love will fade. But love also will find away. So it’s up to you how you’re gonna pursue that love.

It’s all in your hands tho’.



Keris, let’s get married beee. Kedip-kedip-cantik. Slap.

Hello MEAT


I was vegetarian for quite a long time and then for various reasons I changed. I felt like you should only eat something that you’d be able to kill…You know, could you kill a fish? I wouldn’t like it, but I probably could, so I’ll eat the fish. But a giraffe… -Chris Martin.



Not many people know that I used to be a vegetarian. It started when I was around 16. Well since I was a kid, I was a person who basically kind of agak susah mencerna daging, or something, so if I forced to eat some, I got big diarrhea. This happened for my whole life.

And by then I decided, since it looked like I was destined not to eat meat, because every time I ate, I got big diarrhea, to become a full timer vegetarian, maybe that’s what my God wanted me to be..




I also happened to know this belief since I was 12 or so. And this belief also taught the same way. That we, human, are destined not to eat meat, because that’s what God means with loving each other. Loving all human being. Not only human. You will not eat the one you love, will you ?

Long story short, my faith in this belief is going deeper and deeper, then following what this belief taught me to do, and also since I got that ‘diarrhea problem’, I decided to become a full timer vegetarian. It was 26 Dec 2004. Even I ever wanted to make a tattoo remembering this decision. On that day, I decided to not eat any kind of meat, but their dairy products like milk, cheese and egg.




Many friends of mine were questioning my decision.

Many of my dates even left me.   


Thm – my ex date : “So you are vegetarian ? Really ? Gosh, I really wanted us to be together, but this ain’t working..” Do you still want me now ? Kedip-kedip cantik.

Jef – my ex : “I love meat that much ! And I love to cook and I expect my bf to try and love what I cook.” Ehm yeah.

The-guy-that-I-cant-even-recall-his-name : “So you can’t eat this ? Really ? So do you feel offended If I eat chicken in front of you ? Or should I eat salad to accompany you ?” No. I wont feel offended. Unless you eat it alive !

The-other-guy-but-this-one-is-super-howt : “Gosh. This steak is amazing. You sure you will miss this ?” Yeah I’m sure, but I am more sure that I wont miss you tonight darling. Hihihih. Slap.






People change for reasons. And like Chris Martin, I did change too. Not because I don’t have the same faith like I have when I was 16. And not also because of I manage to handle my diarrhea. NO.

It was 2 months ago or so. I woke up in the morning, and told my bf that I wanted to eat chicken. I also didn’t know why. For about 10 years since I decided to become vegetarian, I never wanted or even drooled when anybody eat any kind of meat, even its fancy one, in front of me. But that morning, really changed my life. So it was Ayam Bakar Chicken Story. Yeah not fancy at all. But yeah, I am no longer vegetarian since that day.




If you ask what I feel, deep down in my heart, I am still tempted to go back to become meat-free. My sister and even my niece are meat-free since she was born. So I keep getting tempted to go back. I don’t eat much meat tho. I only can enjoy it right now. I don’t know about what I will think when I wake up tomorrow. Maybe I will change my mind again. Yea. I am really that kind of people. Change mind in a blink of an eye!


So yea. People change. And I changed. And I enjoy it right now. Even with the diarrhea. Prett.






Keris, no longer a meat-free.

Queen is back

Hey you, you owe me. You succeed in making me fall in love with your blog, and then you stop posting? Oh cmon..
I actually love your blog very much, when will you update it again ?
Are you saying since you are in love and move together with your bf, then you stop writing ? Did your life stop after that ?
Your blog is inspiring. I hate it when you stop writing…
Hihihihihi. I can’t stop smiling when everybody start mentioning my blog. I know I’m good at it. I always know basically. Prett. It isn’t because I’m not single anymore so I don’t post. Really. It is just because I lose the mood. And I’m afraid if I force to write without my mood, then I’ll stop inspiring you guys and you start to leave me alone. #dramaqueen
So ya, anyway, I’m back. Well I try to be back and more regular on posting. Prett.
So, where do I start ?
I’M STILL GAY. Oh yeah of course. Hahaha.
I’M STILL WITH MY BF. Hahahaha. I know I am definitely getting a big boo from you guys. Hiihihihi. Actually this can be considered as the longest period of me settling with someone. It was our 18 months together last Thursday. What an achievement. Hehe.
I’M TOP NOW. Hahahahah. I knew this is shocking. Hahaha. But you guys know kan, if I used to become a top in my younger age. Hihihi. And this is firm, I mean really firm that currently I am top-ing my bf. And I barely feel the cenat-cenut in my sexy hole lately. Almost never if I may correct. Hihihihi.
MY BODY SHAPE IS EVEN BETTERRRRR. Hahahaha. Really lho. At least better than my last post. Yea. Better. Check my IG for proof. Prett.
I’m addicted to RPM lately ! Even I’m begging my bf to buy me a bike so that I can cycle around in Saturday or Sunday morning, which then my bf will definitely say, “Are you saying that you will wake up early in weekend just for cycling ? Yea you wish. And I bet if you will too, it will last for… a month, I guess?” Prett.
I changed my job. Do you guys care about this ? Hahaha. I believe you guys do. Kiss. Actually still with the same role, only different product type and company of course. With a higher appreciation for sure. I am pretty comfortable with my current job actually. Hopefully it will be long last. Prett.
So I think that’s all. Like I said, I will force myself to keep posting.
Kiss kiss.
Keris, I’m back and I know you loved it. 

Last Words


I hated myself for going, why couldn’t I be the kind of person who stays ?

So speaking out about my parents, I am probably the most luckiest son in the world. I am blessed to have such Mom like my Mom. She is really adorable with her big heart. She is the one who keeps convincing my Dad to accept me for who I want to be.

Yeah, the hardest part about my acceptance is from my Dad. Even until I leave home now, we never talk about this privately. I mean, I and my Dad. He knows that I will move someday, my mom told him. Not from my mouth. Because since I was a kid, I and my Dad have never talk about serious things. We talk politics, cars, technology, movies, food, restaurants, and many others things. But we never talk about my school, what major in university, who I want to be, what I want to be, what my dream is, whether i will marry or not, and others things like these.

Like there was one time when my mom went for a holiday with my sis, only dad and me were left and stayed at home. So during Sunday, we usually go out. Like since all my sisters are married, normally I will drive my parents to go to somewhere to have lunch or dinner. And there will come all my sisters with their husbands and gather in a restaurant and eat together. So that time when my mom was in thailand, I asked my dad out. Well that time I planned to discuss about my idea to leave home with him in car while we went out. But like what I predicted, He refused. He said, “Your mom is not in town, will be no fun if we go.”

But at night, both of us went to a wedding invitation. In car I couldn’t manage myself to talk my idea with him. We just talked about politics and this kind of things in car.

My mom, many times, I dont know is on purpose or not, asked many details about things when i leave. Like who will do laundry, how I eat, whether I’ll miss home, whether I’ll miss her and dad, whether I’ll come home and drive them to go out on sundays, who will drive her to hospitals, whether I get my sofa, mattress, and all that silly things that makes my tears dropped everytime.

Dramatical moment was when I left home that morning. My Mom looked normal. I knew that deep in her heart, she didn’t want me to leave. But Super Mom like my Mom, still managed to say “Be Good and be Healthy” to me when I said a goodbye word to her. With smile. Ah. My tears dropped.

And the only thing that I can managed to say to my Dad was, “Pa, I go.” My Dad didnt reply me. He just nodded.

Well Mom, Dad, I know it will never be easy for you to understand about my life.
I know that I’m the only son in that you desperately need a grandson from.
I know in your era, there’s never a son comes out to their parents and say “I’m gay, I don’t wanna marry a girl and I want to leave home to stay with my BOYfriend.”

I know..

But like I told you, Mom, Dad, regardless I’m gay or not, I still have to leave home someday when I’m married. The things are different because my partner is not wearing a skirt.
And I still have dreams to chase.

I just want another colour in my life.
I know I’m selfish.
I’m sorry for that.

I get nothing to say more.
I’m thank you for understanding me.
That’s the only thing I can say.



Keris, sorry mom, dad, i love you.

New Address😊


When you leave home to follow your dreams, your road will probably be riddled with potholes, not always paved in happy Technicolor bricks. You’ll probably be kicked to the ground 150 million times and told you’re nuts by friends and strangers alike. As you progress you may feel lonely or terrified for your physical and emotional safety. You may overestimate your own capabilities or fail to live up to them, and you’ll surely fall flat on your face once in a while. But thats life 🙂


That night my mom came over to my room, laid down on my bed and hugged me.

Mom : “Are you sure about moving out, son ?”
I just nodded my head. I didn’t dare to look at her eye. We were side to side.
Mom : “I mean why?” I could hear that she tried to hold her tears. “You are the only son. I really dont mind if you have other brother. I just want a grandson from you. Is that too much ?”
I couldn’t say anything. I pretended to be deaf that time. I tried as hard as I could to hold my tears. In my silence, I just spoke to her that I just wanted to chase my dream. I was sorry, but your beloved and only son had to move. He had risen. And he still had dream to chase.



Months ago, I and my better half discussed about our future. Yeah we talked a lot about our future. Since He is OUT and so am I, so staying and growing old while raising our child is our big dream. Then suddenly the idea to stay together came up. Like that fast. I know we ever discussed to spend our old time in Bali. But there are decades to follow. And now, the idea to stay together, yes now, is coming. And we feel so excited about that.

We decided. To realize it.

When ?

NOW is the answer.

I know that this could become the hardest decision that i’ve ever made. Yeah. Hardest one. I decided to leave home. To Chase pavement of my dream. To stay with someone that I love most. To grow old together.

I know it will not be easy at all. But yeah, like what they tell in wedding vows. For good and for bad, nothing can separate us. I know it may be too fast. But why do I have to wait for longer times if i am already convinced that he is the one ? 🙂

So right after that, we’ve spent many days to start to look for an apartment. We spent many weekends to contact the apartment agents, to set appointment dates, and to see what they sell. Like in a day, we went to 2-4 different apartments location with different agents. Once and many, we finally fell in love with this future home. Located in Thamrin, the flat is not big, but fits to our condition now. With only 45sqm, and 1 bedroom inside, we finally decided to buy this flat.

So like you can guess, we spent couple following weeks, to argue, and to fight even. What furnitures suite to our flat, how big the sofa is, what color of the wallpaper is and every little details we like for our new home. During those times, many tears has fallen down. Many yells had been made. Many fights could not be avoid. Because we were trying to mixed two ideas from two-hardened-heads. But yeah, I look it as colors. Colors of our life. Rainbow can be so beautiful because consists of many colours. So like the rainbow, I see colors from all what have happened. And I believe that our home will be as bright, as good, as warm, as beautiful, as a rainbow.

And today, exactly on today, we celebrate our 3rd months of relationship. And also by today, we will start our new journey, by staying together in our flat, our Rainbow home. I know it may be too early. But again, why do you have to wait until that coconut fall down by itself, instead of climb its tree, chase your dream, if you sure that the coconut is already can be eaten?

Thats what WE do now.



Keris, mampir-mampir ya ke Rainbow home kitaaaa *kecupbasah*

I dont do exes !


I dont believe in being friends with your ex. We are exes for reason(s).


We are EX for reason(s). That’s definitely applied on me. I dont find it possible to become a friend who ever kissed or even fucked you, for the sake of really true friend.


So I ever knew a guy, long time ago. Last year maybe. This guy was interesting. And we clicked each other basically. But this guy was obsessed with his ex. Oh obsessed is not a good word, I know. But how ?

Whenever we were going for a date that time, his ex was there. Well It was not a three of us going date, no. But we would also meet his ex, with his other friends. At the first time I was okay with that. I thought that they were really friend who needed each other. But at the end, I found it annoyed me. Then I left. It was not because i was jealous or something. But it was more about, you really still loved or liked him, and you couldnt be without him, so you still were friend of him. Well it was just my personal thought, no offense.


But some guy that I met, were obsessed with their exes. The reason would definitely be cliche.

“Oh ya of course he loves me for who i am.” Off course you will feel like that since perhaps you are never in love before with him.
“Oh I really like the way he treats me in bed. It is so romantic.” Again, that probably is your first sex, of course it will be memorized well. Prettt.
“Oh he taught me to do oral. He’s really the one.” Bitch. He should pay you 50 grant for taking your virginity. Prettt.



Like what i posted in this blog last time about my last ex. That time when he wanted to end our relationship, i could not accept his reason. The thing he said showed that he needed me more instead of breaking up with me and cutting me of his life. But when i realized that maybe he really needed time to be alone, or even until couple weeks he just didnt want me for some certain reasons, I’m done. I even rejected his kindness when couple months after we broke up, he seemed to want me back, Eventhough that time i was still single and liked him even. If you ask me why, the answer is easy, I do not do Ex-es.


I’m kind of people who always fight before giving up.
I’m kind of people who not easily end any relationship.
So when i find it should end, or we find it should end, it means that there’s no future on it. So there was nothing to discuss more in the future by getting back together. Because the issue is still the same.

He cheated on you ? He will do it again.
He punched you ? He will do it again.
He fucked your best friend ? Trust me he will do it again.
So why do we let ourselves fall back to the same hole again and again ?
Why do we let ourselves hurt again and again ?

Dont say that feel hurt is addictive. SLAP !



Keris, bye Ex-es !

Pissed Of – Public show


You desperate? You can just walk up to someone and say hey im gonna show you my penis, and seriously you dont need that tall building to jump for – Ashton Kutcher.


Back days, when i first moved to CF from GG, i went to their EX club at around 9pm, alone. Well basically that was not my first time gym in that club. But that became my first night gym without anybody company. So that thing happened. The show of manhood.


I went to locker room after shower, with undies covered by towel. In that area, there was no one. But in the other part, there was a guy that was familiar in the yellow book directory, u should know what i mean, a well toned-white skin-middle age-kind of guy, drying his hair with towel cover his manhood, that I can easily see by only starring to the mirror in front of me. So I didn’t give a damn shit, you know my style lol. I did my things. And without intending to, when i stared at the mirror, which was in front of me, that well toned-white skin-middle age-kind of guy, was jerking of his manhood, while his hand was playing his nipple, with full of desire eyes starred at my ass, that covered by underwear. He didnt even realize that i caught what he did to me, and kept doing his things. THAT PISSED ME OFF !



Dnl : “Really ? You did not go and help what he did ? U just put your pants on ? Oh come on.”
Me : “Ah, should i explain more ? U know that was not my style. That guy was lucky enough that I didnt sue him for what he did! It was public harassment u know !”
Dnl : “Oh yeah, whatever !”



Like the other days, there was someone in gym also who was far/farrrrrr away from good shape, who proudly show his manhood, which the size was, – well, I can say was ok -, after done his rpm class, took of all his clothes, even undies. Walking naked from locker room to urinoir room. I wondered why he did not go directly to the shower room ? He could also pee while showering right ? Why did he have to stop by in urinoir ? So u were proud of your size huh ? U think u become attractive ? Oh come on. THAT PISSED ME OFF ! Do something with that belly first, boy ! *nyinyir*



There was also a guy in gym, which str8, which gym along with his spouse, a lady with superb boobs. U know what the guy does ? He always moans so loud, everytime while he lifts up the weight, like he wants to cum. He also sometime acts like a super ngondek guy when joining a dance class as fun joke. Well the guy for me looks attractive. A baldy tanned mucsle kind of. And sometimes i have to be honest that the way he moans, makes me turn on.

But there was one time, his couple came over while he was moaning lifting the weight. Do you know what she did ? She sat on his manhood while the guy did bench press. And not only sit, she also moved like she enjoyed the woman-on-top, laughing. And like it was not enough, while the guy stood after done with the “Sexual bonus bench press”, he touched and squeezed the woman’s boops while saying, “you make me horny dear”.




There was also another guy, 40plus, in gym again, well gym is definitely the right place for doing this public show-pissed off prettt, which many times declared that he was str8. Well it was like he chatted with his friends or something, making funny that he was definitely a str8 while the gang teased him to do something with a ngondek guy who just cross by, by saying “No-lah. I’m still normal, you are crazy.”

But If you are really str8, you tell me what do you expect when you spend many times sitting and playing your BB in a locker room that full of MAN, not a woman definitely, laugh with very loud tone to get an attention, with only an undies covering up ? Showing off your muscles to the MAN ? Trying to win an attention from, again, a MAN ? Is that really what str8 does? Oh silly boy.



I mean, I dont mind. I am even more than happy. And i believe all gays will feel the same if you, a Public-Shower, do it politely. I dont care you are gay or not. I dont care you have big bulky, toned muscle, or are even skinny. I dont care you have good size or not, well a good one will be a good package lol. But please do it gently.

You want to take of your pants and undies in public ? Fine. But not too long please. You know, we like to be teased. Show us only for seconds, and I bet, we will follow you when you go to locker room again. To get that seconds steal peek of your undies take off show.

Got it dear ?

Keris, dont pissed me off again, please.

My Comfort Shoe


Love is like finding a comfortable shoe. When you feel it, you know it.


So I’m back. 😁

Feeling surprised truthfully, that after i froze to post something in this blog, tapi ternyata viewers nya masih tinggi. Hihihihi. Love you so muchhhhhhh my fans. Pretttt.

Actually bukan karena sibuk sangat gitu sih, tapi lebih karena kemarin itu ganti ipon. Lalu tetiba i forget the password. Lalu entah kenapa ga bisa di reset password nya buat dimasukkin password baru. Alesan banget yeee prettt.

But anyway, i’m back. With thousand stories. Lol.

So whats new ?

These days, sibuk soal kerjaan. Still in my old office. Tapi belakangan load nya ditambah sama si boss. I’ve been assigned some new market in India and Middle East. So i’m handling almost 40 accounts now. So ya mau ga mau jadi a bit busy.

These days, sibuk soal siapin kawinannya my 2nd sister. Well ya bukan gue juga sih ya yang sibuk, tapi my parents. So finally she is married and leaves home. Lol. Ah I’m both happy and sad for her marriage. Happy because finally she dares to accept her boyfriend’s proposal, which mean kan she will continue her journey of life, live with someone in good and bad. But i feel sad also, after she left, di rumah akan tambah sepi. Only me and my parents. 😦

These days, my life is stuck on someone.


Have you ever always been thinking about someone, start even in the very first you open your eyes in every single morning ?

Have you ever always been waiting his call, whenever you feel to talk to someone ?

Have you ever always only been remembering his name, whenever you feel lost and you need someone to help ?

Have you ever always be turning on and getting hard, not only when you kiss, but whenever your body (only) is close to him ?

I have.

I do.

Dnl : “Ceilehhh. Jatuh cinta yaa. Orang mana sihh ? Bawa dong ke kantor pas lunch. Penasaran gue. Your type ?”
Me : “Nope. Not my type at all.”
Dnl : “Really ? So how ? I mean you’re fallin’ in love with someone whom is not even your type ?”
Me : “I dont know. I dont know cun. But definitely he was successful to get me.”

Kalo kata Iqb, ini judulnya adalah ketika kenyamanan mengalahkan segalanya.

Karena he’s not that handsome.
He’s not that good looking.
His skin is fair.
But he’s definitely smart.
He definitely has something, that i don’t know, that makes me fall into him.

He’s visionary. He plans so much for his future. We’ve been close for last one month. But he did ask me couple times to move to Bali and to live together. We talked about marriage, since he is OUT to his family. Even in our first date on Christmas eve, we and full member of his family, went to church and had Christmas mass together. We talked about name of our kids even. 😀

So when you feel it, you know it.
I feel comfort with him. And i don’t care with that list of criteria of my dating so on and so forth. It feels like you meet your comfortable shoes. When you put your feet inside, you fall in love, and you don’t care about the price. That what applies on me now.

I just want my shoe.


That’s it.



Keris, when you feel it, you know it.